BMSE First Year Rotation Presentations Pt. II

Date and Location

Wednesday December 09, 2015 11:00am to 12:00pm
Elings 1601


Hello students, 

The presentations will be around **8 minutes** 10 minutes with 2-3 minutes for Q & A. Please be diligent about the time limit. 

Please organize the background of your talk so that the audience (who may know nothing about your research area) can grasp. 

(i) what hypothesis/goal you are trying to address/achieve

(ii) what the significance of success would be. You may need to provide a slide or two of very general background. Your challenge is to accurately frame the problem and provide some intelligible context within just a few minutes of speaking.  Powerpoint presentations are standard.

Give some idea of what you personally did with your research time, describe experimental procedures, show experimental data, present the results of some literature research you may have done, etc. Try to provide some summation and an idea of future directions for the research, even if your results are fairly limited.

The order of the presentations will be: 

Dec. 9 (hosted by Dr. Omar Saleh): 

11- Bretton Fletcher, Saleh Lab 

11:10- Kevin Peng, Mitragotri Lab

11:20- Andrew Rodriguez, Mahan Lab

11:30- Claire Tran, Chen Lab

11:40- Sam Verbanic, Reich Lab